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Audio Books

 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard (Act 4:20). 

A World Help Captive by Herbert W. Armstrong
A World Held Captive - HWA
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You live in world of awesome progress, but paradoxically, of appalling evils. WHY?

All About Water Baptism by Herbert W. Armstrong
All About Water Baptism - HWA
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Is WATER baptism essential to salvation? What about the "thief on the cross"? Was he saved without it?

Are We Living in the Last Days? by Herbert W. Armstrong
Are We Living in the Last Days? - HWA
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How can you know whether we are near "the end of the world"? Can we prove it?

Did God Creat a Devil? by Herbert W. Armstrong
Did God Creat a Devil? - HWA
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The Bible pictures the whole world under the sway of an invisible devil. Where did he come from? Did God create a devil to tempt us and lead us astray?

Does God Exist? by Herbert W. Armstrong
Does God Exist? - HWA
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Can the existence of God be scientifically proved? Where did the first LIFE come from? Can we know whether God possesses MIND power?

Ending All Your Financial Worries by Herbert W. Armstrong
Ending Your Financial Worries - HWA
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What concerns the average person most? War? The Space Race? Or making ends meet?

The Incredible Human Potential by Herbert W. Armstrong
The Incredible Human Potential - 1A - HWA
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The Incredible Human Potential - 1B - HWA
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The Incredible Human Potential answers mankind's most unanswerable question: Why were you born?

The Incredible Human Potential - 2A - HWA
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The Incredible Human Potential - 2B - HWA
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The Incredible Human Potential - 3A - HWA
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The Incredible Human Potential - 3B - HWA
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The Incredible Human Potential - 4A - HWA
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The Incredible Human Potential - 4B - HWA
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Mr. Armstrong's audio book, MYSTERY OF THE AGES is available here.

More books to follow. Please return soon...

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