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Questions and Answers

1Pe_3:15  But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

Is sprinkling an appropriate method of baptism?

Sprinkling has been practiced as an acceptable method of baptism by most Christian Churches, but is not suitable according to Scripture. The Bible word for “baptize” comes from the Greek word, which means “to immerse”. In order to be properly baptized, one must be fully immersed in water, which symbolizes a type of death. To learn more about this crucial subject, read the booklet entitled: All About Water Baptism available on this website at no cost.



Should children be baptized?

Of the many religions that practice baptism, many believe children should be baptized as young as possible. The Bible points out that Christ laid His hands on children, which lead many to believe that it proves baptism should be performed on children. While Christ did lay His hands on children, it was not for the purpose of baptizing them. To learn more about this crucial subject, read the booklet entitled: All About Water Baptism available on this website at no cost.



What is the correct biblical name for God's Church?

The correct biblical name for God’s Church, according to Scripture is mentioned twelve times in the New Testament. Every time it is referred to as the “Church of God”. This is the same Church that was founded in A.D.31 by Christ Himself who said that God’s true Church would never be destroyed (Matt 16:18). To learn more about this fascinating subject, read the booklet: Where Is The True Church? available free on this website.



Where is the original true Church that Jesus Christ founded?

Consider the fact that Christ said in Matt 16:18 that He would build His Church and that it would never be destroyed by His enemies. This Church must then be in existence today, somewhere on earth, teaching the truth. Also consider that He said “Church”, not Churches (plural). This means that there are many “Churches” that say they are for and from God and Christ, but they do not preach the full truth, necessary for salvation. To learn more about this fascinating subject, read the booklet: Where Is The True Church? available free on this website.



How can you scientifically prove that God exists?

It is easy to believe in things that we can see. On the other hand, it is not so easy to believe that something is real if we cannot see it with our own eyes. We hear so many conflicting theories about our origin and the origin of the universe and everything that exists in it. But did it all come out of an explosion—the Big Bang—or was it created by a God, the God of the Bible. Science has given us conflicting answers to this crucial question. To learn more, read our free booklet: Does God Exist? available at no cost on this website, and decide for yourself!



Where did life come from?

Anthropologists have unearthed ancient skeletal remains of men whom they attributed as having lived over 10,000 years ago. The methods for establishing such dates have been very dubious. Such methods as radio carbon-14 dating been shown to lead to false interpretation, but still, science and evolution contain theories that man came into being almost by chance. The truth is that Scripture say—and prove that God created everything, including man. To learn more, read our free booklet: Does God Exist? available at no cost on this website, and decide for yourself!


Does the Bible support the theory of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms and the validity of UFOs?

The many UFO sightings reported over the past decades are, most likely, manifestations by spirit beings or fallen angels, rather than the presence of physical aliens from outer space. While it is true that there are mysteries that are not fully understood and explained; many of these mysteries can be accounted for by the existence of fallen angels who have possessed and influenced people with super-human power. The Bible discloses that the Earth has been chosen as the single setting for God’s working with human life and how this very planet will become the eventual headquarters of God’s government throughout the universe. No other planets are implied or mentioned in that context. To learn more, read our free booklet: Does God Exist? available at no cost on this website, and decide for yourself!



What is the purpose of human life?

God formed man of matter, but after His own image and likeness. But the animals and man have the same breath, the same source of life. They die the same death. Human life is animal existence, but in the form and shape of God, and with the human spirit added to the brain. Man was created to have a relationship with his God. Therefore he was made in God's form and shape, with contact and relationship with Him, made possible by the presence within him of the human spirit. But man's creation was not completed. He was made mentally and spiritually only "half there." He needed the addition of God's Spirit to unite with his spirit, begetting him as a child of God -- uniting him with God. The purpose of life is clearly explained in our free online booklet: Why Were You Born?



How does one determine the beginning and ending of the Sabbath in the Arctic?

In the Ten Commandments it is required of Christians to observe and keep the Sabbath holy. This is the seventh day of the week, in other words, Saturday. Biblically speaking, a day begins and ends at sunset, and lasts for a twenty four hour period. This can be a problem for Sabbath keepers in Arctic/Antarctic regions where the days are not clearly demarcated by sunsets. In such cases, it is acceptable for the person to observe the Sabbath as they would have, were they back in their home country. Where Sabbath keepers live in such areas permanently, they generally work according to the closest country to the south where sunsets are clearly visible. For more help to fully understand the true Sabbath God created, read the free booklet: Which Day Is The Christian Sabbath?



Why do some Christians keep the “Jewish” Sabbath?

If, like most Christians, you believe that the Sabbath is only “for the Jews”, you may be surprised to learn that it is not. At the end of the 6 day creation, God rested and called the seventh day—Saturday—holy. In other words this day was created long before there were any races or nations on earth. This then means God created the Sabbath for all people, not only for “the Jews”. Man-made religions, other than the true one kept by the Church started by Christ, has perverted the truth, including the right understanding that all true Christians should be observing the Sabbath on the seventh day of the week. For more help to fully understand the true Sabbath God created, read the free booklet: Which Day Is The Christian Sabbath?



What is the meaning of the word “Easter”?

Traditionally, “Easter” is observed as one of the most important Christian events. Sadly, the truth about this day is unknown to most who celebrate it. You may be astonished to learn that the word “easter” does not appear in the Bible. That’s correct! Try to look it up. “Easter” actually originated many thousands of years ago and is really an ancient pagan tradition, not to be observed by those who follow the true God, who calls this type of thing an “abomination”. God expects all His true followers to prove all things from the Bible. For more help on this important subject, please read our free booklet: The Plain Truth About EASTER.



Why do some Christians celebrate Lent?

Lent is a 40 day period of the Christian Year, preceding Easter Sunday, where Christians focus on simple living, prayer, and fasting in order to grow closer to God. Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as a preparatory time for Easter, when the faithful rededicated themselves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism. By observing the forty days of Lent, the individual Christian imitates Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days. But many do not recognize this practice today. Should you? For more help on this important subject, please read our free booklet: The Plain Truth About EASTER.



Which nations are the modern descendants of the tribes of Israel?

The Bible points to the fact that some is the tribes of the original nation of Israel somehow got “lost”. Even so, many believe that the nation of Israel is made up only of Jews. The truth is that those nations are not literally lost, but merely lost their identity due to the fact that they ceased to observe the Sabbath as the Jews still do today. By never moving away from the Sabbath, the Jews kept their identity and as such are very much “visible”. To learn where the lost ten tribes are today, refer to the free online booklet: The United States And Britain In Prophecy.



Was there more than one gospel Christ preached?

Many different gospels are being preached in today’s Churches, most false. Some preach a gospel of love, while others focus on prosperity and yet others preach about being “born again”. The Bible, however is very specific about the gospel being the “good news” that Christ preached during His ministry on earth. He went about performing miracles, while telling people the good news of the coming Kingdom of God, to be set up when Christ returned the second time, overthrowing Satan and implementing the world-ruling Government of God: You can gain full understanding about this question by reading our free booklet: What Is The True Gospel?



Please explain 1 Cor. 15:24?

This verse reads as follows: “Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.” In just a few short years, the reign of Satan will be cut short. He was given the power to rule earth when mankind rejected God’s wishes in the Garden of Eden. However, the Word of God explains the good news that Satan will be “cast down” and bound at the return of Christ, “putting down” the authority and power of Satan and ending mankind’s failed self-rulership. To find out more, read the free online book: The Incredible Human Potential.



Why so many evils and troubles in this world, has God forsaken us?

Seemingly, with all the world’s unsolvable problems, God has abandoned His creation. The truth is that through sin, in the garden of Eden, mankind cut itself off from God. Currently, mankind is trying to rule itself, with disastrous consequences. Also it seems as though God is losing the battle with Satan for the souls of men. In reality, Satan has been given free reign for a time, until the return of Christ. At that time, the book of Revelation explains, that those who have overcome Satan in this life will be rewarded with rulership in the Kingdom of God. To find out more, read the free online book: The Incredible Human Potential.

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