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Additional Study Aids

Countries and Their Biblical Names

A helpful reference to the Biblical countries and what they are called today

Difficult Bible Scriptures

Many Bible scriptures are confusing and difficult to understand. Find some of them explained here.

Doctrinal Scriptures

Scriptural references for the fundamental doctrines of the Church of God

Generations Chart

Where are the descendants of Abraham, Shem, Ham and Japheth today? A graphic illustration.

God's Temple in Prophecy - By Leroy Neff

The future Temple of God as seen by the Prophet Ezekiel - illustrated.

How To Mark Your Bible

Suggested colour codes to easily identify different subjects in your Bible


The complete works of Romano-Jewish historian and scholar, Flavius Josephus.

Mr. Rice's Notebook

These Bible Studies covered a variety of topics, but most were related to dating, and developing Godly character.

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