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If you were a member of the WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD, then YOU need to assist this end time Work of Jesus Christ
Read "About Us"
This website is a message to the scattered members of the Worldwide Church of God, who have SCATTERED according to Daniel 12:7 into the Laodicean Era
Additional Study Aids
Countries and Their Biblical Names
A helpful reference to the Biblical countries and what they are called today
Difficult Bible Scriptures
Many Bible scriptures are confusing and difficult to understand. Find some of them explained here.
Generations Chart
Where are the descendants of Abraham, Shem, Ham and Japheth today? A graphic illustration.
God's Temple in Prophecy - By Leroy Neff
The future Temple of God as seen by the Prophet Ezekiel - illustrated.
How To Mark Your Bible
Suggested colour codes to easily identify different subjects in your Bible
Mr. Rice's Notebook
These Bible Studies covered a variety of topics, but most were related to dating, and developing Godly character.
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